Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010


Tips on Buying a New Car

For best bodies owning a car is advised to be like accepting a “lover,” admitting in adjustment to accept it, one charge conduct austere consideration. Otherwise, it will accompany annihilation but agitation in the future.

But one affair for abiding to abstain miscast on selecting a fresh car, it is best to accouter ourselves with able ability apropos the car that we desire.

The followings are several tips and tricks that can be our credibility of acumen afore branch to the exhibit to aces the car of our dream:

1. Accomplish Up Your Decision Afore Activity to the Showroom

Before dispatch up to the showroom, adjudge what you appetite from a car, the features, the model, the amount or its agent capacity. Many dealers appetite you to shop for a car that they offer, not a car that you appetite or need. It is best for you to accept two or added choices so that it gives you befalling to accomplish comparisons and to acclimatize with your accessible budget.

2. Accouter Yourself with Sufficient Information

Browse the internet to attending for the car you admiration afore branch to the showroom. Check the amount account offered by the banker firsthand, additionally it is important to aggregate brochures to acquisition out the appearance of the car that you appetite and acquisition out the probabilities of abatement program.

3. The Sales Agents is NOT Your Friend

Please bethink that a sales agents has the capital assignment to accomplish money, they are not your friend! Even admitting he is your uncle, nephew or neighbor, they still apprehend the agency of affairs the car. You should be actual accurate in your own money absorption because those sales allegedly will not affliction about your banking condition.

4. Get Aboriginal Approval

Make abiding to get aboriginal approval from the coffer or leasing aggregation if you ambition to shop for a car with acclaim facility. By pocketing the aboriginal approval from the banking institution, you can acclimatize the amount of the car with the acclaim beam and additionally to acclimatize the agreeable of your abridged back you accept to pay the account installments.

5. Accede the Aliment Fee

Carefully accede the aliment fee back allotment a car to own. You charge to account how abundant money you accept to absorb to “nurse” your car in a year. Some cars can be cheaper in agreement of price, but the aliment fee afterwards several years of appliance turns out to be college than those cars with college amount tags.

6. Absorb Added Time to Re-think

Do not let the sales agents gives you a adventitious to accompany the car home to try out afore the accord is closed because by accepting such action you will be abounding with obligation, and moreover, you will accept bottom acceding power. The best way back you accede to shop for a car is by activity home aboriginal afterwards abiding from a exhibit and re-think at atomic 24 hours afore you adjudge to accompany the car to your garage.

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Testimoni BFI Finance

Testimoni Pak Sardi

Pak Sardi merupakan salah satu konsumen setia BFI Cabang Karawang, terbukti hingga kini ia telah 2 kali Repeat Order. Pak Sardi mempunyai usaha toko kelontong dan kusen yang sudah dibangun sejak tahun 2001.
Awalnya, Pak Sardi mengetahui mengenai fasilitas kredit di BFI adalah melalui Flyer Business Associate. Ia mengaku puas dengan pelayanan di BFI karena selain bunganya standart, proses kreditnya juga cepat dan tidak dipersulit. Ia juga merasa bahwa kepuasan pelanggan benar-benar diperhatikan oleh BFI.
Untuk kedepannya, Pak Sardi berharap agar BFI bisa membiayai nilai pinjaman lebih untuk nasabah dan tidak melihat nilai jaminannya tetapi dari perkembangan usaha konsumennya.

Testimoni Pak August Ferdinan Rorong
Bapak August Ferdinan Rorong, Ir. merupakan salah satu konsumen setia BFI Cabang Cirebon. Terbukti hingga kini beliau telah tercatat 21 kali melakukan Repeat Order. Bapak August berprofesi sebagai kontraktor Pertamina sekaligus mempunyai usaha sampingan antara lain Warnet, Game Net dan tempat pemancingan.
Awalnya Pak August mengenal BFI dari Marketing Executive Used Car di Show Room Tuparev Motor. Dan selanjutnya beliau mengaku pencairan dana di BFI termasuk cepat, namun untuk unit yang ada di luar kota (di luar Cirebon) permohonan untuk pencairan lebih lama karena harus menunggu unit selesai difoto dan digesek nomor rangkanya.
Usaha Pak August sangat terbantu oleh BFI, hal ini disebabkan pembayaran dari klien terkadang tidak tepat waktu, sehingga dengan adanya dana yang berasal dari BFI sangat membantu khususnya dalam pembayaran gaji karyawan, pemberian bonus dll.
Menurutnya pelayanan karyawan lapangan BFI sudah cukup memuaskan, namun untuk layanan Front Office beliau meminta agar lebih ditingkatkan. Dan untuk kedepannya beliau berharap agar BFI bisa mempertahankan yang sudah baik, karena dimata konsumen, BFI Cirebon termasuk Finance yang bersih dari permainan uang dan sebagainya. Khusus untuk konsumen RO Excellent berikan prioritas yang plus, dalam arti berikan PH (Pokok Hutang) yang cukup tinggi dan pencairan yang lebih cepat.

Mr. Ngo Susianto´s Testimony

Mr. Ngo Susianto first got in touch with BFI on February 9, 2004, where he signed a contract with the Company to finance a 2000 KIA Carens A/T which was purchased from a showroom in Gresik, East Java. He owns a business that provides accomodating location for legal teak wood from Perhutani around the area of Bojonegoro than he has been running since 1992. His wife is coincidentally working at Perhutani’s section of forest cutdown planning.
Currently, Mr. Susianto has become loyal customer of BFI that still finances his two units of vehicle: a 2007 Kijang Innova Type G and a 2006 Nissan X-Trail, whereas these transactions mark his 6th repeat order. The process of financing the two units of vehicle mentioned above has taken quite a long time since the Company’s Telesales Executive (TSE) and several staff of BFI Branch Office in Gresik made follow-ups to him since September 2008. He claimed that he did not have the necessity to borrow funds at that time and also the reason that the maximum debt principal offered by the Company did not satisfy Mr. Susianto’s request who asked for the maximum of 80%, whereas BFI could only provide 70% from the price of the unit. Fortunately with good communication and comprehension given to the Customer, he agreed to accept the offer of 70% debt principal. This was made possible simply because BFI was quite active in contacting the Customer and maintain its consistency in running the process from the early stage to the funding as promised. The loan will be used by the Customer to make purchases of teakwood as basic material.
According to him, BFI’s service was quite active proven by doing follow up by phone and visitation. As additional information, the process of this Customer’s financial request took five months to handle and during that time the Company had visited his location four times (the distance between Gresik and Bojonegoro was approx. 90 kms); even handled by two different branch managers at different time, they were Mr. Soehendra Nata and Mr. Lojiansyah. Finally the Customer felt quite satisfied with the offer, although he thought that the interest rate given was still pretty high.
From the easiness in payment point-of-view, the Customer has conducted installment payments through the BCA ATM facility right from the beginning and never experienced any difficulty. The Customer admitted that he was helped in a great deal because he knew BFI quite well. His collateral asset is safely guaranteed, the application process is flexible, and he also admitted the fast service in funding process so that the it really helps him to earn funds for the purpose to buy the teakwood basic material.
This customer hopes that BFI could decrease its interest rate, especially for customers who have maintained long business relationship with BFI. He also proposes that the maximum of the debt principal can be furtherly increased.

Testimoni Pak Jasiman Pinem
Pak Jasiman Pinem merupakan salah satu konsumen setia BFI Cabang Sorong, terbukti hingga kini ia telah 3 kali Repeat Order. Bahkan ia juga menyarankan kepada anaknya untuk mengambil kredit di BFI. Pak Jasiman Pinem mempunyai usaha Jasa Kebersihan kota Sorong.
Beliau memulai usahanya dari nol dari sesuatu yang tidak ada menjadi ada. “Dan itu saya ajarkan kepada karyawan saya; jika sudah memiliki kemauan harus berani menjalankan suatu usaha yang bisa membuat kita mandiri. Terutama dalam menjaga kepercayaan dan barang” timpalnya.
Ia mengaku puas dengan pelayanan di BFI baik dari segi proses pelayanan, berkas, kecepatan, dll bahkan memberikan nilai 100 kepada Marketing Executive.
Dana yang dipinjam oleh Pak Jasiman digunakan untuk operasional usaha. Bahkan saat ini usahanya semakin maju dengan adanya penambahan karyawan dan penambahan 1 unit armada kebersihan.
Untuk kedepannya, Pak Jasiman berharap semoga BFI masih terus...dan terus...di bidang pendanaan masyarakat kota Sorong, dan bunga yang jual di masyarakat bisa lebih kecil dan ringan. Pak Jasiman berkata akan tetap menjadi konsumen BFI.